Judicial Council Forms Update Approved 10/01/2021

New and revised forms, [Effective on November 1, 2021]
Pleading - Contract
PLD-C-500* New 4 sides Complaint—Recovery of COVID-19 Rental Debt
PLD-C-505* New 6 sides Answer—Recovery of COVID-19 Rental Debt
PLD-C-520* New 1 side Verification by Plaintiff Regarding Rental Assistance—Recovery of COVID-19 Rental Debt
Small Claims
SC-100* Rev. 6 sides Plaintiff’s Claim and ORDER to Go to Small Claims Court SC-103 Rev. 1 side Fictitious Business Name SC-104B Rev. 2 sides What Is “Proof of Service”?
SC-500* New 6 sides Plaintiff's Claim and ORDER to Go to Small Claims Court (COVID-19 Rental Debt)
SC-500A* New 1 side Other Plaintiffs or Defendants (COVID-19 Rental Debt)