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California Bankruptcy Petition Preparer 11 U.S.C. § 110

Monday, May 02, 2022 2:36 PM | Anonymous

What is a California Bankruptcy Petition Preparer?

In California in order to prepare bankruptcy documents for an individual representing themselves (in pro se) you must register as a Bankruptcy Petition Preparer.

A California Bankruptcy Petition Preparer is a person who is non-attorney who prepares a document for filing in the United States Bankruptcy Court.

"A Bankruptcy Petition Preparer may only type forms. When a bankruptcy petition preparer provides services that go beyond typing forms, those services can constitute the unauthorized “practice of law.” (11 U.S.C. § 110)

"The maximum allowable charge for a Bankruptcy Petition Preparer's services is $150, including any and all expenses such as photocopying, messenger or courier charges, postage, telephone, etc. This fee does not include the filing fee that must be paid to the clerk of the bankruptcy court; the debtor(s) is to make that payment directly to the court.

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